Accessing Student Emails
Every student enrolled with the college has a Office365 account which allows students access all the online Microsoft office products.
One of the features is the email function.
Instructions to access the student email are below.
Under no circumstance should student use the student email to send communications not directly related to school work. Forwarding junk mail, chain-letters or spam is strictly prohibited. Student should also note that electronic communications are not completely secure and should consider the confidentiality of the material they intend to send when choosing the appropriate means of communication.
1. Click on the Office365 image below to access the login page
2. Enter your Compass username followed by the
Note - Your Compass username consists of 3 letters followed by 4 numbers. E.g. ABC0001
3. Enter you student email password (same as Compass password) and Click 'Sign In'.
4. If you are using a personal device (BYOD), you can check on 'Don't show this again' and click Yes. Otherwise, select 'No'.
5. Click on the Outlook icon on the left hand pane.
6. The email will now be ready to use.